All the essential practices of Kadampa Buddhism are included in a series of sadhana booklets prepared by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and published by Tharpa Publications.

What to Expect

Chanted prayers, or “pujas” are a unique offering. All of these sessions are free of charge and are unguided. At the start of the session, an audio track will play and you can follow along in the prayer booklets which are available when you enter the main meditation room.
“In general, prayers made by an assembly of many practitioners are very powerful and cannot be compared to the prayers of one or two people. The scriptures give the analogy of a broom. If we try to clean a floor with a few bristles we shall make little progress, but if we gather many bristles to make a broom we shall be successful.”

Regularly Offered Chanted Prayers

Check the Center calendar before attending to ensure all scheduled prayers are being held.

Heart Jewel

Th 5:30PM

See calendar for specific times.

This practice is the heart essence of Kadampa Buddhism. In the first part we visualize our Spiritual Guide as Je Tsongkhapa and make prayers and requests to purify negativity, accumulate merit, and receive blessings. This prepares our mind for a fifteen minute meditation on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. After the meditation we make prayers to our Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden. Through this we can overcome obstacles to our practice and create favorable conditions so that we can nurture and increase our pure Dharma realizations.

You can download a copy of the Heart Jewel Prayers here.

Wishfulfilling Jewel with Tsog

Sundays, 2:00-3:15pm
Times may vary. 
See calendar for specific times.

Wishfulfilling Jewel is a special practice for developing compassion, wisdom and spiritual strength by relying on the Wisdom Buddha Je Tsongkhapa, and for overcoming obstacles and difficulties in our meditation (Dharma) practice by relying on the Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden. This practice includes a vegetarian offering, which you can bring with you to puja or simply imagine.

Please use this link if you would like to put someone on our prayer list.

You can download a copy of the Wishfulfilling Jewel Prayers here.

Offering to the Spiritual Guide

10th & 25th each month
See calendar for specific times.

This is a special practice of relying upon our Spiritual Guide as a Buddha and making praises and requests to him, but it also contains beautiful essential instructions on all the stages of the path to enlightenment and training the mind, as well as both the generation and completion stages of Highest Yoga Tantra.

We also make specific prayers for our friends, family members, Sangha and others who are suffering or who have died.  Includes a vegetarian offering, which you can bring with you to puja or simply imagine.

Please use this link if you would like to put someone on the prayer list.

The prayer booklet is available electronically here.

Melodious Drum
Extensive Prayers to Dorje Shugden

On or around the 29th each month
See calendar for specific times.

This monthly practice takes place on or close to the 29th of each month, Protector Day. The practice consists principally of prayers to our Dharma Protector, the Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden.

A Dharma Protector is an emanation of a Buddha or Bodhisattva whose main functions are to avert the inner and outer obstacles that prevent practitioners from attaining spiritual realizations and to arrange all the necessary conditions for their practice.

Includes a vegetarian offering, which you can bring with you to puja or simply imagine.

Please use this link if you would like to put anyone on the prayer list.

Tara Puja- Liberation from Sorrow

This practice takes place on the 8th of every month. See calendar for specific times.

Join us for this powerful puja during which we recite Liberation from Sorrow, Prayers and Requests to the 21 Taras and deeply request the Blessed Mother to bestow her blessings on all living beings so that all sickness and other obstacles are quickly removed. Everyone is welcome to join in.

Prayers for the Deceased (Powa)—Prayers to Avalokiteshvara

See calendar for specific times.

Through concentration, compassion, faith, prayers and mantras the participants assist in transferring the consciousness of the recently deceased directly to the Pure Land where they will be free from suffering and experience true happiness forevermore.

Please use this link if you would like to put anyone on the prayer list.

The prayer booklet is available electronically here.