Finding Inner Freedom

Pratimoksha: The Root of Buddha’s Teachings

Saturday, June 4

Teaching: 10am – 11:15pm ($10 or FREE for Monthly Members)
Vow Ceremony: 11:30am – 12:00pm (Free)
at KMC South Carolina (2999 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia, SC 29169)
with Resident Teacher, Kelsang Tabkay

This year, on the anniversary of Buddha’s first teaching, known as “turning the wheel of dharma day”, as well Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s birthday, we will celebrate by taking to heart the root of Buddha’s teachings.

In order construct a large building, a strong foundation must be created or it will be impossible to complete the project.  In the same way, if we wish to build the inner realizations that lead to the blissful experiences of liberation and enlightenment, we must create a firm foundation of refraining from harmful actions or it will be impossible to complete the spiritual path.

From the moment we decide to abandon negative actions, everything in our life begins to improve and every day becomes joyful and meaningful. The root of Buddha’s teachings can be understood as to simply “do no harm.” In the morning teaching, Kelsang Tabkay will explain how we can practice this teaching to discover inner freedom.

 Lay Pratimoksha Vows:

At the end of the teaching there will be a short break and then an opportunity for those who wish to, to take or renew their Lay Pratimoksha Vows in a special ceremony. You are also welcome to join us and simply observe the ceremony or to attend the teaching only. A person who takes the lay Pratimoksha Vows makes a promise to avoid killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, and taking intoxicants throughout their life in order to build the foundation for the attainment of the bliss of liberation. Everyone is welcomed to attend.