Every living being has the same basic wish – to be happy and to avoid suffering. Even newborn babies, animals, and insects have this wish. It has been our main wish since beginningless time and it is with us all the time, even during our sleep. We spend our whole life working hard to fulfill this wish.
In this series, we will explore the steps needed to develop the joyous mind that protects us from pain and suffering – a mind that cherishes all living beings – known as bodhichitta.
$12 per class; $36 for entire series
(Free for Members)
Drop in classes; pre-registration not required
Date | Class Topic |
July 31 | NO CLASS |
August 7 | NO CLASS |
August 14 | Meditating on Universal Compassion |
August 21 | Meditation on the Supreme Good Heart of Bodhichitta |
August 28 | Meditation and the Determination to Practice the Six Perfections |
September 4 | Training on the Meditation on Emptiness |
Upcoming One-Time Class:
In this special one-night class, we will be exploring Buddha’s teachings and meditations on Tantra.
Tantric meditation gives us a clear vision of what Buddhist enlightenment actually means. It harnesses the power of our imagination and wisdom and brings about swift internal positive transformation.
We learn how to let go of our ordinary limitations and transcend our negative states of mind. Tantra also teaches us how to meditate very deeply, with subtle and peaceful states of mind, and in a way that swiftly reduces our distractions and mental busyness.
Everyone welcome. No experience necessary.
$12 (Free for Members)
Drop in classes; pre-registration not required