A Meaningful New Year’s Eve

Potluck & Compassionate Prayers


6 pm – 7:30 pm: Vegetarian potluck & socializing with old and new friends

7:30 pm – 8:30 pm: Set your compassionate intention for a joyful and meaningful New Year with a guided meditation and beautiful short prayers to the Buddha of Compassion with Kelsang Jangchen.

December 31

Join us for a delightful and meaningful New Year’s Eve celebration.

We’ll start out with a vegetarian potluck and socializing with fun and like-minded people, and non-alcoholic sparkly for toasts. Then Jangchen will give a short talk about compassion, allowing us to set a good intention for the New Year. And we’ll engage in a meditation and short prayers to the Buddha of Compassion.

Free Party & Compassionate Prayers

Everyone Welcome!